8.8" HDMI Display

8.8" HDMI
8.8" HDMI
Resolution: 1280*320
Power supply: 5.0V
Interface: HDMI
IC: -
View Direction: Free
Touch Panel: CTP
Mechanical Data

OF088AHC00 is a 8.8" (1280*320 as resoultion) TFT LCD with HDMI interface control board and Capacitive touch panel can be worked as a monitor through connecting to the computer that has HDMI output.
Or it can be simply worked with Raspberry Pi as a monitor, support with 2 points touch.


Item Dimension(m*m)
Module dimension 229.66 x 67.5
View area 217.96 x 55.24
Active area 216.95 x 54.24
Pixel size 0.1695 x 0.1695



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